Database Connection String (OLE DB Connection string)

TrafMeter can record the headers of the captured packets or write its own counters into the database. To communicate with the database, TrafMeter uses the ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) component, which is built-in in Microsoft Windows. You should specify Database Connection String in TrafMeter, if you want to use the database as a destination for any logging facility.

ADO uses the Database Connection string (OLE DB Connection string) to define the specifics of the data source. Database Connection String provides the information (in the form of parameters and their values) that is required for the server to establish the connection. Each type of the databases has a specific parameters set, which you must specify the values for; these are the required parameters. Some databases also provide the optional parameters that you can specify to implement the special features. Such a string might look like this:

SQLOLEDB.1; Password=TrafMeter; Persist Security Info=True;
User ID=TrafMeter; Initial Catalog=traffic; Data Source=SERVERNAME

A database connection string can be stored in an external file, also known as "User Data Link file" (UDL) with an extension .udl. You can use a UDL Wizard to create the UDL file. Having created the UDL file, you can refer to it in the connection string as follows:

File Name=c:\DataLinks\trafmeter.udl

If you change the database or network configuration, you can simply modify the UDL file and distribute its new version.

See also:
